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Sogou ( Search Dog) Chinese Search Engine

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If you follow our blog or are familiar with China, probably you have heard of Baidu, China's largest search engine. Recently we have been seeing increasing traffic from another Chinese search engine though; it is called SoGou (The Search Dog)

Sogou (Chinese: 搜狗; pinyin: Sōugǒu) is a Chinese search engine which can search text, images, music, and maps. It was launched 4 August 2004 and is owned by Sohu, Inc., SoGou means "Search Dog" in Chinese.[1] As of April 2010, it has a rank of 121 in Alexa's internet rankings.[2]Sogou provides an index of up to 10 billion web pages.[3] Its major domestic competitor is Baidu.- Wikipedia

In the search bar below, 美国房地产 is Chinese for U.S. Real Estate. Page one organic ranking for Caimeiju, a U.S. based company. Not bad...

Caimeiju Search Result on Sogou for 美国房地产 ( U.S. Real Estate )

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